Search function not working! Less filtering options
Same prices you can get anywhere else BUT they're all here. However; I only downloaded the app because it said 25.00 off. There's no coupon or code anywhere for me to get that savings so I'm uninstalling
I love the sale alerts on the products I'm interested in!
Its use to be good
Just heroic things which I have just heard.
this is so buggy!! what happened to this app? it used to be at great finding different styles of clothes at different prices. now the filters don't work, searches don't show up and it's a mess. not sure how this update is even an update. you're meant to improve the app, test it and then put out a new update. this app is awful now.
Too expensive
Using Android device and none of the filters for products are working.
Terrible app, it used to work, but now you cannot add filters as they do not save and if I select lowest to highest price it does not show.
The filter function no longer working. That makes this app pretty useless.